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On August 31, 2024, we're EOLing developer.newrelic.com. All relevant content has been migrated to docs.newrelic.com.

Resolve Errors Faster with Full Stack Error Tracking

You're one of the developers of an eCommerce website called Geek's Movie Shop, and recently, you introduced some new features. Before you push your changes to production where all your users will have access to them, you want to discover as many errors as you can in your development environment. Then you can decide which ones to fix and which ones to ignore.

Errors Inbox is the perfect tool to help you do this.

Learning Objectives

In this lab, you:

  • Spin up Geek's Movie Shop in your development environment
  • Set up a workload for Errors Inbox
  • Resolve and ignore errors in your inbox
  • Assign unresolved errors
  • Filter errors in your inbox by status
  • Integrate Errors Inbox with Jira, CodeStream, or Slack



1. Spin up your application

Set up your your environment to deploy Geek's Movie Shop.

5 min

2. Set up Errors Inbox

Set up Errors Inbox in New Relic

5 min

3. Triage your errors

Track and triage errors across your stack with Errors Inbox

5 min

4. Manage your triaged errors

Managed your triaged errors in Errors Inbox

5 min
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