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Build a quickstart


This procedure is a part of course that teaches you how to build a quickstart. If you haven't already, checkout the course introduction

As this procedure builds on top of the last ones in the lab, make sure you create a dashboard and alerts before proceeding with this one.

With New Relic you can collect, monitor, and report data from different sources. You can use dashboards to view, explore, customize, understand, and correlate the data you collect using different user-friendly charts. You can also set alert policies to monitor key performance metrics and receive notifications for anomalies.

Traditionally, FlashDB users would have to spend crucial development hours creating dashboards, alerts, and other entities to monitor their database. But with quickstarts, you can do that work for them. You've already created a useful dashboard and alert policy for your database. Now, you can contribute those to New Relic I/O and create a quickstart as a benefit to your users.


This procedure is a part of course that teaches you how to build a quickstart. Continue on to next lesson: Understand quickstart directory structure

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