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On August 31, 2024, we're EOLing developer.newrelic.com. All relevant content has been migrated to docs.newrelic.com.



import { SelectItem } from 'nr1'



Text to be shown as the option. Note only text is supported as a children.


Appends class names to the component.


Inline style for custom styling.

Should be used only for positioning and spacing purposes.


Adds a data-test-id attribute. Use it to target the component in unit and E2E tests.

For a test id to be valid, prefix it with your nerdpack id, followed up by a dot.

For example, my-nerdpack.some-element.

Note: You might not see data-test-id attributes as they are removed from the DOM, to debug them pass a e2e-test query parameter to the URL.


Value of the selected property. Can be any kind of value, including non-string primitives and objects.

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