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New Relic One CLI plugin commands

To install and manage your plugins, use the commands below. You can click any command to see its usage options and additional details about the command.

nr1 plugins:installInstalls a plugin into the CLI.
nr1 plugins:linkLinks a plugin into the CLI for development.
nr1 plugins:updateUpdates your installed plugins.
nr1 plugins:uninstallRemoves a plugin from the CLI.

Command details

nr1 plugins:install

Install a plugin

Installs a plugin into the CLI. You can install plugins from npm or a Git URL.

Please note that installing a plugin will override the core plugin.

For example, if you have a core plugin that has a 'hello' command, then installing a plugin with a 'hello' command will override the core plugin implementation. This is useful if you want to update the core plugin functionality without patching and updating the whole CLI.


$ nr1 plugins:install PLUGIN


  • PLUGIN: the name, path, or URL of the plugin you want to install. required


-f, --forceRuns yarn install --force. This forces a re-download of all the plugin's packages.
-h, --helpShows CLI help.
--verboseAdds extra information to the output.


  • $ nr1 plugins:install myplugin
  • $ nr1 plugins:install https://github.com/someuser/someplugin
  • $ nr1 plugins:install someuser/someplugin


  • $ nr1 plugins:add

Links a local plugin into the CLI for development.

Please note that linking a plugin will override your user-installed plugin or core plugin.

For example, if you have a user-installed or core plugin that has a 'hello' command, linking a plugin with a 'hello' command will override the user-installed or core plugin implementation. This is useful for development work.


$ nr1 plugins:link PLUGIN


  • PLUGIN: the name, path, or URL of the plugin you want to link. required


-h, --helpShows CLI help.
--verboseAdds extra information to the output.


  • $ nr1 plugins:link myplugin
  • $ nr1 plugins:link someuser/someplugin

nr1 plugins:update

Update your plugins

Updates all of your installed plugins.


$ nr1 plugins:update


-h, --helpShows CLI help.
--verboseAdds extra information to the output.

nr1 plugins:uninstall

Uninstall your plugin

Removes a plugin from the CLI.


$ nr1 plugins:uninstall PLUGIN


  • PLUGIN: the name of the plugin you want to uninstall. required


-h, --helpShows CLI help.
--verboseAdds extra information to the output.


  • $ nr1 plugins:unlink
  • $ nr1 plugins:remove
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