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New Relic One CLI reference

To build a New Relic app, you must install the New Relic One CLI. The CLI helps you build, publish, and manage your New Relic app.

We provide a variety of tools for building apps, including the New Relic One CLI (command line interface). This page explains how to use CLI commands to:

  • Generate Nerdpack/Nerdlet templates

  • Locally serve Nerdpacks (when developing)

  • Publish and deploy

  • Subscribe to Nerdpacks

  • Add screenshots and metadata to the catalog

Installing the New Relic One CLI

In New Relic, click Instant Observability, then check the Apps box in the filter by section. Click the Build on New Relic launcher and follow the quick start instructions. The quick start automatically generates an API key for the account you select, and gives you the pre-populated commands to create a profile, generate your first "Hello World" app, and serve it locally.

Build New Relic application


Use the NR1 VS Code extension to build your apps.

New Relic One CLI Commands

This table provides descriptions for the New Relic app commands. For more context, including usage and option details, click any individual command or the command category.

For details on user permissions, see Permissions.

For more on how to serve and publish your application, see our guide on Deploying your New Relic app.

Get started

nr1 helpShows all nr1 commands or details about each command.
nr1 updateUpdates to the latest version of the CLI.
nr1 createCreates a new component from a template (Nerdpack, Nerdlet, launcher, or catalog).
nr1 profilesManages the profiles you use to run CLI commands.
nr1 autocompleteDisplays autocomplete installation instructions.
nr1 nrqlFetches data using NRQL (New Relic query language).

Configure your CLI preferences

nr1 config:setSets a specific configuration value.
nr1 config:getShows a specific configuration.
nr1 config:listLists your configuration choices.
nr1 config:deleteRemoves the value of a specific configuration.

Set up your Nerdpacks

nr1 nerdpack:buildAssembles your Nerdpack into bundles.
nr1 nerdpack:cloneClones an open source Nerdpack from our GitHub repository.
nr1 nerdpack:serveServes your Nerdpack for testing and development purposes.
nr1 nerdpack:uuidShows or regenerates the UUID of a Nerdpack.
nr1 nerdpack:publishPublishes your Nerdpack to New Relic.
nr1 nerdpack:deployDeploys a Nerdpack version to a specific channel.
nr1 nerdpack:undeployUndeploys a Nerdpack version from a specific channel.
nr1 nerdpack:cleanCleans your developtment folders.
nr1 nerdpack:validateValidates the contents of your Nerdpack.
nr1 nerdpack:infoShows the state of your Nerdpack in the New Relic's registry.

Manage your Nerdpack subscriptions

nr1 subscription:setSubscribes your account to a Nerdpack and channel.
nr1 subscription:listLists all the Nerdpacks your account is subscribed to.
nr1 subscription:unsetUnsubscribes your account from a Nerdpack.

Install and manage plugins

nr1 plugins:installInstalls a plugin into the CLI.
nr1 plugins:linkLinks a plugin into the CLI for development.
nr1 plugins:updateUpdates your installed plugins.
nr1 plugins:uninstallRemoves a plugin from the CLI.

Manage catalog information

nr1 catalog:infoShows the Nerdpack info stored in the catalog.
nr1 catalog:submitGathers and submits the catalog info on the current folder.
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